And to think, he was just dreaming of water temples
on February 29, 2012 at 12:01 amCharacters: Derk, Lord Tiberius Skärva the Fourth
Advertisers! We’ll be monitoring who gets to advertise on our site (and who doesn’t) so you’ll only get ads we think you’d like. We’ll try to filter out anything that doesn’t seem child-friendly, too, but it’s hard to tell with every comic without going through entire archives so don’t just take my word for it.
Sorry this one is a little late in the day. Never try to produce a play, maintain a webcomic and try to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life being a lawyer at the same time.
oh yes i’m sure the forest is busy this time of year… i didn’t know they kept schedules. ah well, im SURE everything will work out FINE in the FIRE dungeon for our WATER-type villain.
THAT is a LOT of CAPS words
well i don’t have italics to represent my sarcasm so i was hoping caps would work.
nice new banner, by the way.
Yeah, Skaerva doesn’t look so David Bowie anymore. Awesome pose too.
Lol poor Ecta; Davis is so happy to be on the banner he’s totally stealing her spotlight. As well as committing “Oh No You Didn’t” #1. I think she might kill him. Hm, not as much a threat considering the number of times he’s probably already died…
Floyd’s adorable.
Captcha says Edinburgh, Amsterdam. O_o Woot, I’m travelling by captcha proxy!
Yeah, Ecta hates few things more than people going through her. Not all ghosts mind that type of thing, but not all ghosts are her. It’s one of the reasons Davis won her especial disapproval right off the bat. But I doubt she’d have it in her to kill him, even though he’d bounce back soon enough. Too cute. You just can’t.
…Unless you’re a hero. They’re pretty insensitive. It’s kinda scary actually.
Well, in the hero’s defense, when you’re playing the game and some cute monster comes up to you, your reaction of “d’awwww” lasts about as long as it takes for them to lunge forwards and sink teeth into your tibia. Then the only thing you’re doing is yelling “AUGH GET IT OFF ME!!!1!” and button mashing your attack combos.
…I’m looking at you, Keese…
I understand.
Thank you! It was about time for a change. It’s not as drastic as improvement as from the first one to the second one, though. Were you around for the first one? Yeeeesh. I’m almost ashamed to show it to anybody, and to think it used to be up there representing our comic to all the world!
lol. ik what it looked like XDDD
ya i was. i came like, one month into it. so i saw the first one i think.
Yeah, you’ve really been here a while, haven’t you? How did you find us?
i was on awkwardzombie and i saw your add with the snowball. the rest is history.
I guess you could say everything snowballed from there!
Sleeping Skarva is adorable. I wanna throw a blanket on him. <33
I wanted to have him mumbling in his sleep, but Victor told me no
The reason he hates Volcano dungeons is because of how incredibly easy they are.
…today’s recaptcha is “She’s rsubutt”. What…
Oh my God, Becky. Look at her rsubutt.
poor lily flower it has no water now. I thought when skarva yelled it made spit and orange not red what happen, is he sick.
Holy crap, he’s coughing up blood! Get a medic! Or a magical little girl!
Nah, this is just special rage. The rage reserved for when a perfect piece of plan goes awry.
Flower number 52 has had a tough life.
Skaerva panel 2 = adorable. Skaerva panel 3 = hilarious. Skaerva panel 5 = I was rolling on the ground laughing. I’ve never seen a character more amusing when irritated. Which is really the best thing to have for a main character who’s supposedly a “villain”.
Ooo, I LOVE volcano dungeons! They’re always so cool. Uh, I mean hot.
Yeah, my hand kinda derped when I was drawing his mouth in panel 5, but it actually looked hilarious that way. XD
He is a villain! He is!
I think Skaerva’s raeg just broke the background again.
Wait, why can’t Skaerva just use his own castle for the upcoming plan?
He can, and will. It’s the final dungeon. He has a perfect lineup of other dungeons to try and break Blank first. Hopefully he won’t even make it to Castle Skärva, but… we all know how that goes.
This is what actually happens when developers have to cut dungeons from games. HERE’S LOOKIN’ AT YOU, WIND WAKER!
Are planning on going to law school?
Maybe? I have to look into it more. I just want to have a future, dang it. Can’t I just draw comics and work with theatre all day? Sigh.
guys look at your hits
almost 1500 hits :O
and my capcha says front acyccou
its me, rabid, random.
and another name suggestion besides artnas..
try Talbot
I figured it out. ^_^
Hmm, Talbot. I like that name. There’s a street near where I live called Talbot. There’s also Davis Street, and Skärva Street. I made one of those up.
Front acyccou? …Better than front Skärva? I guess?
How can you tell our hits? O_o
Question marks?
well i looked at the ads. and assumed traffic meant how many people visited this site and it said 1500. or u can search it.
I LOVE how you’ve been replying to pretty much EVERY comment. ALSO, I MUST be a COMPUTER or SOMETHING. Because I ALWAYS have the HARDEST time reading the captcha……….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Nooo… I’m not mocking anyone or anything… :3)
Nah, the captcha is kinda dumb, but at least we don’t get spambots. We’ve gotten like three the whole time we’ve had the comic.
And yeah, I love talking to you guys. :3 Plus I hope that the knowledge they will get a reply might entice some more silent readers out of the woodwork eventually. I always enjoy hearing what people have to say. If we had twice the pageviews but half the comments, I would be a sad artist indeed. I want people to know me and Victor really appreciate anyone who joins us on this journey!
i regret the day i thought using caps would get my use of sarcasm across.
And I regret the title “Snowballs say ‘plop’ all the time”
Of course the forest is busy; it’s almost springtime! Oh, how I’ve missed Derk!! Love the new banner, especially Davis >_< ~~<3
Hmmm… my captcha says 'man-killer, akQuesi'… So this akQuesi is a man-killer. I never knew that about AkQuesi, he always seemed like such a nice person…
(sorry if that sounds weird. It's late and I'm still kinda high from the guy I like accepting my Facebook friend request)
Ahh, I remember when this comic was just Skärva and Derk, two dudes on a mission, now we have little girls and flying fish, what is all this nonsense
OoooOOOH, congrats! I remember when me and Victor dorkily flirted through Facebook, that’s when he invited me over for the first time. FACEBOOK CAN MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.
Yeah, I’m really stoked. We were friends in elementary school, but kinda fell out of touch once we started high school. I’m hoping we can reconnect and magic can happen.
And I miss seeing just two dudes on a mission… but the comic is super amazing regardless.
he sure likes to say “Derk you know how i feel…..” does derk know every single one of his feelings?
also he always seem worried, or bothered by his boss. why’s that?
my captcha says: means, sectivt
Well, they have known each other for a very long time, and Skärva isn’t exactly shy about wearing his heart on his poofy sleeve, so… probably, actually.
It’s because Derk doesn’t like to see his boss upset, but 95% of things make him upset.
Skaerva should keep a Lii flower on his desk all the time. It really matches the decor.
Soooo much purple….my fav color yaaaaaaaay! Also, I want that flower for my desk because those are my university’s colors.
Awww, you’re drawing Skaerva’s cute ears with a different shape. T_T I liked his ears (like in panel 6). I know it’s a small detail, but I always stare at his ears. Hehe.
Great expressions, by the way. LOVE panels 2,3, and 5….and 4, and 6, and 7 and heck Skaerva is fun. Sleepy Skaerva=happy reader. ^_^
Speaking of ears, the Lurkins’ ears have tripled in size. Not a complaint, just an amused observation. Gosh those guys/gals are adorable. Especially those kids, I wanna see more Lurkin kids.
Where do you go to school?
Yeah, that’s how I used to draw his ears. Sometimes. Before I had really settled. I was considering going back to that, because I think his ears should evoke shark fins a bit so they should curve inwards somewhat. But we’ll see.
Pffyeah. I have no idea how they cope with such huge ears sometimes, but oh well. They were inspired by bats a bit because bats sometimes, WHOA. http://mrsgebauer.com/bats/Kinds/spottedbat.jpg
Ignoring the fact that Davis wasn’t there, the old banner had nothing *wrong* with it – except for Floyd. That banner was actually one of the very first times I had drawn the finalized versions of him and his coworkers, and while Ecta and Slice didn’t change much, Floyd’s ears were just so short and his hair was so stringy and derp. XD
I actually graduated back in 2007 from the University of Washington. Got a BA in English with an emphasis on creative writing. I guess I should be calling it my alma matter or whatever.
Wow. The shark fin thing…makes sense, actually. DARN DARN DARN.
Haha I did get a bat-vibe off those guys.
Yeah this is a great banner, though I kinda liked Ecta better in the last one. She’s funny in this one though. Yeah, Floyd looks tons better now. And Skaerva looks amost friendly, in a threatening kind of way. YAY Davis is finally on the banner! I love how happy he looks ticking off Ecta.
Oh dear, not the Lii flower! :O
Pffft, they can just go get another one, right?
Skarv is so cute when he’s asleep.
(I was kind of hoping that there would be a continuation of the last page where Ecta went to hang out on the boy’s couch so that she wouldn’t be lonely and that’s why Davis can’t sleep on it.)
Oh, she’s much too proud to seek out their company, whether or not she would secretly enjoy it.
All right, I have to ask about Skarva. (sorry I can’t do the fancy a) So, is it just a character design, or does he have a permanent black eye? I mean, he does get beaten pretty badly alot, but if it was a black eye, wouldn’t Lorelei have healed it? This perplexes me…
I’ve wondered for a long time if anyone would ever pick up on that. It IS a permanent black eye, and how it got there is a story we’ll explain some day. It’s been there so long that not even Lorelei can override its magic. I like to think Lorelei can’t heal anything that wouldn’t heal on its own naturally (like she can’t restore an amputated limb or something); she just greatly speeds up the process. And since his eye will never heal, she can’t do anything about it either.
I always figured it was a homage to Rare villains and enemies with one overly large, mutated eye (K. Rool, Mutie Snippets etc).
Also, it just occured to me that Skarva dreaming of water temples means he’s basically having wet dreams. *giggles at stupid joke*
And Captcha thinks we’ll be getting some DCL soon. I think it means DLC.
I mean…. yes. You know my inspirations too well.
But it also needed to have an in-world explanation.
You know, that kind of explanation of healing always made the most sense to me. Not fixing injuries, but speeding up their recovery. So yeah, if she just speeds up recovery, then it would make sense that she couldn’t heal it if it’s permanent. That kind of logic could be applied to many different… well, fantasy games are what first come to mind. I could immediately think of a few. I won’t bother naming them or this would be a very long message. By the way, I envy the rest of you. My Captcha is always giberish. Nhttlymu thhtnft. Oh yeah, that makes ALOT of sense. X|
I don’t even get captcha D: And I comment more than anyone! So many potential messages missed. I’ll just look at these. http://www.captchacomics.com/
I absolutly loves that he’s keeping the flower in a cup of water on his desk.
I just stumbled upon this comic today and have been reading it for the past hour or two. I love Skavra the best.
Just don’t hurt yourself stumbling on comics!
It seems like most people like him best. It’s those devilish good looks.