Thanks for the anniversary fanart, guys! I’ll work on getting that on the site soon (I had quite a busy, but happy, day! Started a new job).
If you missed our own special art, and want to read a little bit of me and Victor gushing, be sure to go back a comic.
This is so touching. :’D …and not at the same time.
And that picture…it’s creepy but i love it!
Yeah. Is this the first time Skärva has referred to someone as a “friend”? Ever?! In his life?!
I thought he called Derk his “friend” somewhere back in Canada, er, “Northern Idenau” …XD COULD BE WRONG THOUGH.
Oh yeah, he did! In fact he called Derk a friend before the opposite happened, I’m pretty sure…
Also this happened. And I’m am really sorry for it. I love your style; it’s fun. …but again I am so sorry. THIS IS WHAT I DO WHEN I CANNOT SLEEP.
That’s a whole, interesting dimension on the term “shark cage”. If I were Derk, I’d be fearing for my life right about now…
Derk just needs to make sure he doesn’t accidentally cut himself. Boss will go into a frenzy.
The Very Hungry Skaerva:
Once upon a time, there was a very hungry Skaerva.
He ate some bread and gruel, but he was still hungry.
He ate his friend Derk’s bread and gruel, but he was still hungry…
And then he ate Derk
No, no. Then he ate Derk’s bacon. THEN he ate Derk.
For the (assumed) most wanted man in Idanau, Skarva doesn’t handle the slammer very well. Does he even know how to play a harmonica?
This is the fourth (teehee) comic that I have seen make an arrested development reference in some way. Incidentally, I would think that being a supervillain he’d be used to being in prison!
I don’t think he’s ever actually been captured before. With minions to do most of the outside work and Blank just kind of… leaving him… after the plot is foiled, he’s pretty much escaped punishment.
And he seemed surprised by the anti-magic handcuffs, which are probably standard issue.
woman andasui
I would make more, because I love that show, but a) I don’t know how big the overlap is between people who watch AD and people who read this comic, and I hate making people feel like they’re missing something, and b) I find it annoying when people just throw out references too much, it’s just a cheap inside jokey-form of humor. Like in middle school when everyone was like LOL I QUOTED NAPOLEON DYNAMITE
…Wait I still do that
Holy wow Skærva was trying to use a lot of magic. So, does it still drain mana if the magical is blocked? I’m kind of wondering about that.
Wait, logic. The change in the magical plane still happens, the after-effect on the material plane just isn’t taking place.
Skærva, you have to think OUTSIDE the jail cell. As in, go through something that isn’t the magic-proof bars to get outside.
There’s fifteen scratches on the wall. What could they mean! Perhaps its number of unsuccessful break-out attempts he’s made. Maybe it’s keeping track of time. They have been in the cell 15 minutes.
Captcha: twins biorice
Me and Victor were talking about anti-magic, and basically: it’s a material that will interfere with and absorb magic in a given radius, thus interrupting spells by making them impossible to charge/hold together. So, if charging a normal spell was like blowing air to inflate a beach ball, the anti-magic is like poking a little hole in that ball. You can keep blowing and blowing and getting out of breath, but it’s not working.
Of course, since consciousness is composed of magic, you can imagine anti-magic would be quite dangerous to the people around, especially those whose spirits are very powerful. That’s why it’s so rarely used anymore, after people figured this out (like we don’t make plates/cups out of lead these days).
(Also, I imagine it would be very effective against ghosts, but considered inhumane to use. Starch will do the trick and just inconvenience them.)
Has Skarva always had those?
Technically everybody has nothing but irises, and no pupils (Unless they have none of that at all, of course.)
Usually I just draw people with dot-eyes unless they’re particularly crazy at the moment.
His eyes are deep purple, but when he’s especially… eager about something, they turn pink. And they can go orange when he’s raging.
haha i absolutely love the crazy skarva panels!
They were certainly fun to draw
“That’s the problem with heroes, really. Their only purpose in life is to thwart others. They make no plans, develop no strategies. They react instead of act. Without villains, heroes would stagnate. Without heroes, villains would be running the world. Heroes have morals. Villains have work ethic.”
Read this and thought of Skärva and Blank
What’s that from? It sounds familiar. Although it might just be that I’ve read/thought similar things before
It’s the page quote on the TvTropes page http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainsActHeroesReact
From The Last Avengers Story
Yeah, it’s probably just that I’ve had similar thoughts. Although I may have discovered it in my browsings of TV Tropes.
Speaking of that, I’m sure there are a few holes in ours that could be filled out. *COUGHHINTWINKHINTHINT*
So the bars are magic resistant, but what about the walls and floor and ceiling? Even if you couldn’t use magic to effect the stuff containing you there’s still the possibility of using an invisibility type spell to trick the guards into opening the cell to check for you. Though they probably underfeed prisoners to prevent use of magic.
I don’t think Skarva is going to mentally cope with being underfed. I also don’t think Derk is going to mentally cope with a mentally disturbed Skarva.
Well, the presence of anti-magic material in those bars is sending out an interference (or absorbing external magic might be a better way to put it) in the area. You’re also right about the underfeeding, just in case.
But I am going to enjoy drawing this mental disruption! I think that not only the lack of food (and these guys LOVE to eat, as we’ve seen) but the anti-magic is taking its toll, especially on Skarva who normally discharges magic for the smallest task.
Uh, is it just me, or did you go a little overboard with Derk’s mouth in the second to last panel? It almost looks like a fancy mustache is growing out of the corners of his mouth…:P
MAYBE IT IS. Maybe they’ve spent long enough in jail and he hasn’t had a chance to shave, so…
I imagine Derk shaves every morning and that stubble is back within a couple hours.
OH GOSH I saw the crazy Skarva clip on Tumblr and had to rush over here to see it right away. He looks so awful XDDD
He’s been in jail for how long and he’s already starving? Or maybe he takes out his anxiety by eating? I like how his eyebrows look a little less combed.
I purposefully tried to make him look a bit more like his grandfather. They’re a lot alike, you know? (The Third has certainly noticed, and nothing worries him so much.)
Ah! Yes I see how he looks a lot like his daddy! Ah that’s so great!
Oh gosh I’m afraid of how crazy he looks, I’m afraid he’s gonna eat Derk.
that is one of the scariest things i have ever seen… and i just got back spearfishing at dark with a shark stalking me…. I ask if he was skarvas less fortunate brother but uhh he just ate a fish and swam off. kinda a rude shark if you ask me.
and hichedq
Yes, many sharks are born live from one of their mother’s two wombs.
They are intense before they’re even born.
But Skarva didn’t have a twin… as far as I know O_o
Well, not since Skærva Ate Him In The WOMB he doesn’t!
The gods have only made it so natural selection makes the Tiberius Line the most badass of all peoples!
Whoops, other way round with those names.
im sorry that made no sense…. LOL
incalculable hotenna
I don’t think Skarva has rabies, but Old Yeller immediately came to mind when I saw him.
Which means Derk is gonna have to take him out back *dramatic gun cock*.
Joking aside, I remember that Skarva doesn’t like being touched, so maybe he’s claustrophobic and eats to keep his anxiety down? Or he doesn’t have his healer, is aware of this, and feels vulnerable?
Those are good reasons. He hates having his power taken away, too. He’s just a psychological wreck in so many ways right now!
Wait… Do sharks hiss?
Also, Derk’s face is awesome in that last panel. “I have bacon but… but it’s my Precious…” (what I thought of, at least) I foresee a desperate battle for bacon in the near future.
Normally you can’t hear it, because they’re underwater.
The Bacon Games.
Ha, I was right, magic IS ineffective against the law! ….sort of. Now I wonder what they’ve done with Lorelei.
Oh, and I made you guys a “birthday card” but not really:
Wait, really? *looks it up*
*the whole baby sharks eating each other in the womb, that’s what I looked up btw. still HOLY CRAP.