Best foes forever!
on April 24, 2013 at 12:33 amCourtney:
Sorry this one’s a bit late, I went to a piano recital today. Theater, piano recitals, it’s just a constant stream of debauchery with me.
Also I changed the Commodore’s font. The one I had originally didn’t fit him. At all. Also it was a pain to read. Gonna go back and change history (that is, Monday’s comic) now.
just non nonchalantly walk out the door. best escape ever.
That is how Team Skärva rolls.
Best escape. Hands down.
And the award for “Best Escape” goes to… TEAM SKAERVA! For “just walking out. All casual like.”
When the fight gets boring just leave, one of the lesser know rules of fighting
“Attack and arrest…?” Idenau’s got a bad problem with police brutality, doesn’t it.
I mean, when the gods’ chosen hero is lauded for going around beating people up and breaking stuff, what do you expect? Idealize it all you want, but fantasyland societies are often as messed up as our own.
“I refuse to be arrested by a Flish today. Let us go to another establishment.”
(I like Goldgills a lot! But I feel like he is going to be a one-off character and that makes me sad.)
I mean, a shark man being apprehended by fish WOULD be a downer.
I like him too, but he’s tied to the sea. Still, I think he’ll be one of those characters I keep drawing forever.
It’s kind of like the fun of drawing Jolly without the gay stereotypes.
You know I feel flish as law enforcement must not be that threatening when even Cyril has a face of indifference as they casually stroll out of the pirate infested bar.
“Cyril cast face of indifference. The gang escapes!”
It’s only because Cyril himself is so fierce. Didn’t you see him earlier?
Well, the idea of them wanting to arrest Lord Skarva shot down my thought that they were in Skarva controlled lands still.
Oh no, it’s pretty much only the swamp and some lands immediately around it (including Cattail Crossing). They’ve gone far south.
Ah. So THIS is why the salamander pirates were down on Skærva for employing Flish. One mystery solved!
Now while the constables are distracted, steal their ship Skærva!
Swords say “clang” all the time.
It’s not stealing, it’s… commandeering.
And since Skarva technically could be considered of higher rank than the pirates, it actually WOULD be commandeering.
Ah, the privileges of higher rank…
Lol nice exit, team Skaerva. This fight just got too ridiculous even for them. I especially love the gang’s “um, OK” expressions and Skaerva’s “forget this” one on the bottom.
Skaerva: Screw you guys, I’m going home.
Maybe the flish would have caught them if there weren’t busy pointing their rapiers at barely conscious pirates.
So out of boredom today, I decided to see if Akinator could pick up on Skarva. It took 75 questions and he didn’t guess Skarva, but Skarva was listed in the “was this your character?” section, which is kind cool.
OHHH! I got him at 75 questions!! Probably following your lead. So awesome.
Some of the questions were a little hard to answer. “Is your character an animal?” Er, well… “Is your character from a video game?” Well, in a SENSE…
Also I put yes on “do you own your character,” on a gut reflex, before realizing that no one else except Victor could put that
What kind of question is that, anyway…?
Got him in 32!
Hot darn! Akinator is becoming quite familiar with Skarvs indeed. I’m so happy.
He guessed Jareth the Goblin King at question 25. XD More baddies with fabulous hair!
Then I messed up and had to start again (dang was curious how long it would take him to get it after Jareth).
Second time around, he guessed Twenty-Fifth Baam from Tower of God (who/what the heck even IS that?)
Then I got the question “Is your character a purple monster”. UHHH . . .
I said no. Then he asked if my character was gay.
POOR SKAERVA, he gets no respect with Akinator.
At 50 he guessed if it was my own original character. I wish, lol.
He’s asked if my character is real 3 times now . . .
Took 75 tries for me. XD
And asked if he’s a Vocaloid or part of the team twice . . .
I beat Akinator with Blank though; he had no clue. I ended up having to make up an entry for him.
Haha. At one point, he thought it was someone from Pokemon FireRed Kickass Version. Whatever that is.
Apparently it’s this! http://yindragon.deviantart.com/gallery/33730225
Ignored, after that pose!? The travesty! How Rude! Now which ship belongs to the gold gill?
Whichever one has no one on it because they’re all in here getting trashed, and thrashed.
WELL THAT WAS EASY //easy button press
….Maybe TOO easy…
and letting ‘the most wanted man in Idenau’ walk out the door with not a care in the world REALLY reflects poorly on Idenau’s police force.
OOO Alliteration! So much alliteration! I just LOVE the alliteration!
Y’know, I bet Skärva is secretly really happy that someone actually called him the Most Wanted Man in Idenau.
Thanks! I don’t usually write the words for the comic, but when I do, it’s alliterative insults.
You know, I think he is. He just prefers to be able to get away than to gloat.
Well, the alliteration is absolutely amazing. i wish I could alliterate like that ^^
I’m so happy that skarva’s butt didn’t get kicked by pirates!
I drew you some more fanart. http://kannamaru.tumblr.com/image/48861548371
Oh goodness!!! It’s so wonderful!
It’s also a great size for a phone background. So I made it mine.
For future reference, Skarvs doesn’t actually have gills or anything but he does have MAGIC so … I guess he can transport some air into his lungs. Whatever, this picture is perfectly legitimate
MAGIC GILLS! I still want to see him go swimming.
Man you reply fast! As soon as I finished that one i was like “Wait, I got another idea.” so i whipped this up. http://kannamaru.tumblr.com/image/48864678466
I tend to, when I’m at work, unless I can’t think of something to say.
I work on a computer all day and I get emails whenever someone posts a comment. Nothing I’m doing is so urgent I can’t spare a few minutes.
This is the best day ever. No one has drawn Cyril before.
(Except me, obviously)
Where did you hear that about the dachshund thing?! My parents have a fatbutt dachshund who probably has more meat on him total than Cyril. The bear would be satisfied for days.
YES! First Cyril Fanart ever!
I learned it from my step dad who told it to my friend who has a Dachshund.
Maybe Cyril should keep your parent’s Dachshund nearby in case of bears. That way Skarva can throw the dog and still have his magic Cyril compass.
Personal hygiene is EXTREMELY important to pirates…..
Well they all have to share a boat! You don’t want that one guy stinkin’ up the place!
Oh forgot to mention the yellow fury; nice touch.
And Captain Goldgills is a good name for a seafaring amphibious buccaneer.
It’s the same color as his fins.
…. http://kannamaru.tumblr.com/image/48888278263
cough. *runs away*
He looks so sweet!! Also, there’s just something about a man playing an accordion. Or an instrument in general really.
Ok just as I was posting that, this accordiontastic song I’d never heard before came on my Pandora: http://grooveshark.com/s/While+We+Have+The+Sun/291MVP?src=5
Men playing instruments is just down right sexy.
Your pandora is telling you something. IT IS A SIGN.
If it’s telling me that playing the accordion is sexy, it’s telling me something I ALREADY KNOW