The first historical figure to get their own encyclopedia page! Well aren’t you special, Mr. Skull!
It’s been a long time since we had an encyclopedia entry at all, hasn’t it?
Well, even though this guy won’t be with us for many pages, he HAS been the underlying presence of this chapter ever since our villains got to the island. Note that he has the same voice as the skulls. He wasn’t possessing them or anything, they have their own artificial intelligence of sorts, but they and the innards of this tower were all crafted with his loving pirately hand (and hook).
(As a side note: I’m very interested in piracy [mainly the naval age Carribbean kind, although Asia had some impressive pirates as well], both real and fictional – and the sometimes tenuous links between the former and the latter – in our world. One of the things that interests me most is how real-life pirate stories were sometimes as daring, crazy and unbelievable as fiction! I highly recommend this book to you, it taught me most of what I know. Including how some of the things in our depiction have to be egregiously explained with a “fantasy world” excuse, like one girl being able to operate a cannon, and a tiny crew sailing a ship. Now if only I could actually wrap my brain around different types of ships and how rigging and stuff works…)
He sounds like a fun guy
Thanks for sharing some history! I always enjoy your encyclopedia entries and learning more about Idenau.
Maybe Ye Olde Captain Silverskull will haunt around the world of the living a while and reminisce about his days on the sea; though I don’t think Lord Skaerva would appreciate having a reminder about this embarrassingly piratey adventure.
I always wondered how people did any business on the seas when you have greatly feared and powerful pirates lording over the water. Probably just a numbers game though.
That’s exactly it. Pirates might capture 3-5 vessels in a month, what with treasure management and offsite storage and avoiding royal patrols, and if it was a great age of trade, a few hundred ships would be able to escape capture and succeed in their trading.
Yeah. It’s a given risk, but trade is too important to stop out of fear of brigands. Like when you go on the Oregon Trail, you might die of dysentery, but people did it anyway!
Man why do these pirates have to be so darned adorable. Also if you’re looking for cool pirates, you should totally check out Ching Shih, Grace O’Malley, and basically all of the vikings if you haven’t already.
Yeah! The book I linked to centers on “new world” pirates, but he has a nice section on lady pirates where he talks about those two badasses.