I so paid attention disregard the post below.
Last time, we asked for your comments, and PEOPLE COMMENTED. Whoa. You guys made us so happy that we won’t ask again for a while! Thank you so much! I love you all!
Has anyone ever noticed my trees back there? I am rather fond of my frosted pine trees. Today I taught Victor how to draw them! He didn’t pay attention! Oh well, it’s his loss when I force him to draw the comic one of these days…
looks like he truly understand that magic food taste terrible
and yes, im aware of ur trees
Have you ever eaten beets? It’s like someone marinated beets in cold medicine. And THAT’S why we can’t solve world hunger with magic.
I DID notice the trees! Also I mentioned this in a comment a few pages ago, but forgot to ask why, so … Why does your main character have 4 eyebrows? It’s really cool, but how did you think of that?
Actually, I just like eyebrows. I have always liked eyebrows. For example, remember the wizard from the earlier comics? Those were some crazy eyebrows. So when I was designing our villain, who didn’t even have a name or much of a character yet, I just… gave him… extra eyebrows. And when Victor asked me how it was coming along, I said “It’s alright I guess.” And then, much giddier, “He has four eyebrows.”
And for reasons I cannot comprehend, HE LET ME GET AWAY WITH IT.
…And then we ACTUALLY WORKED IT INTO THE STORY. But you’ll have to wait a while for more on that.
I’m partial to think that Lord Skarva is just feeding her lies about magic.
“Where do your powers come from?”
“They come from… um… magical milkshakes. I’d throw a splendid jubilee of sparkles and rainbows, but I just can’t cause I don’t have a milkshake. But maybe if you got me one…”
Hahaha. Well, in all honest truth, magic in this world is really just a channel of your inner energy. So if you’re hungry, you really can’t do it as well. You can do, say, bush transformation (or turning yourself into a saucy wench, I suppose), but not really powerful offensive magic. (Don’t even speak to me about transmogrification magic being rather complex. Shh.) And performing magic actually does use up your energy, making you hungrier again.
Basically we just like the idea that something as simple as food and drink can give you magic, rather than… some vague mysterious potion of magic essence. (They probably would taste really nasty too. I can’t help but imagine those green Zelda potions taste like NyQuil. Milkshakes are much better.)
well considering ur “health bar” is red, and health potions are too, maybe they have flavors…blood, and cobalt metal (for flavors)
sucks if u have a huge bar, and ur low on magic and or health
(still on zelda topic)
Exactly. Those sound anything but delicious. Unless you’re a vampire, or… someone who likes to eat metal.
Second part of your post: that’s what she said? Eheh… heh… anyway, what REALLY sucks is the beeping. Might as well just finish off those last few hearts and kill yourself to be rid of that infernal sound…
i wonder what the guy with the sword, and the queen(or princess) girl is like
I wonder that too. I mean, we have their basic natures established, but all characters grow in the telling.
I’m excited for them to come out, as well as all of the characters who aren’t on the banner,
heh, heh, i didnt even see that
ima try to get u more fans…see u wednesday
You are the coolest! <3 See you around!
The last panel made me almost spit-take. There’s something hilarious to me about Skarva’s lines there.
I so want a “magic food tastes horrible” Skarva avatar.
I’m glad, but I’m also glad you didn’t actually spit-take, ’cause no one wants a sticky keyboard.
We’ll update the avatars periodically. Until then, if you want, you totally have my permission to make it on your own.
I love Derk– he’s amazing. Actually, all of your characters so far are amazing, but Derk has quickly risen to the top in my books
Hehehe, thank you. I love him too – I love all of them. I can’t pick favorites; they’re like my children.
Well I just stumbled across this and must say it seems to be quite good so far. The milkshake must be chocolate. Nothing else could give such power.
Thank you very much!
Yeah, I know Victor would agree – he is a chocolate FIEND. And since he has declared himself the official master of this comic’s canon, well, you must be right. If you’re a hero who doesn’t like chocolate, you’re sore out of luck. …Also if you’re lactose intolerant.
DANGIT! I can’t believe I watched this comic for so long without making a “Blue Wizard needs food badly” joke! It would have been perfect!!
This really was an earth shattering truth, now we know why Skarva was having Derk carry two huge bags of picnic supplies..of doom!
Can’t believe I didn’t see the Magic Jars Zelda reference coming. XD
But if you are lactose intolerant, they are filled with whiskey. Same effect, but over a shorter period of time.
Milkshakes and booze. No wonder so many little boys aspire to be heroes.