Page 150!
on July 2, 2012 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
Send us more fan art.
It’s finally here! The FAN ART PAGE! Find it under Extras, which is now a drop-down menu instead of a single page. If you’ve drawn something for us and it’s not there (I’m sorry for forgetting like a derp), or if you want to add something new, just let me know here or through email and we’ll add it!
There’s a lot of tongue going on in this page, I dunno what’s up with that.
So, uh, anyone here played Donkey Kong 64?
wait wut
That was quite the, uh…er…transformation there! So much for being a kind old grandpa!
He’s a sweetheart, usually. But he IS the First’s son…
Haha, who ya gonna call?!
hahaha wow. love the orange fury i panel 1, but was blown away by ghost-form fury. so THAT’S why Derk was afraid of going here. good reason, Derk, good reason.
also congrats on 150 pages!
p.s. happy to hear of the fan art page!
Yeah, I asked about using your art (check your dA). Just wanted to make sure it’s ok for me to put it up there. Let me know :3
oh sorry, my internet has been weird lately and wouldn’t load dA. but it let me go on just now so i replied! again, sorry about that. blame my horrible internet provider!
Yay! It’s no problem. I’ll put it up as soon as I get home from work.
I guess the Second isn’t as forgiving to people he’s not related to…
If he’s normally sweet, what does the First’s rage look like? To quote Dirk: Eep.
He does love his grandson very much. Even if said grandson says he sucks sometimes.
Oh Derk…from the way you flinched in terror at the mere mention of the place…surely you knew this would happen?!
Yeah, he was asking for it too. Just couldn’t keep his hands off that book. It was getting boring, cowering over there…
Derk, attempting to fulfill his dream of being a semi-literate librarian. :c
But the Second scared him away from reading forever…
I get this in my RSS but it shows up really small and I can’t read some of the text with my old-person eyes. Do y’all do this just to make me click to your page? That doesn’t make sense, you don’t have adds.
Mannn, I don’t know anything about that. Maybe Victor can adjust some setting somewhere. It’s not a ploy, I swear!
(ooh…I love this form) <.< I think it's a bit over the top. (What a ghost ready to rip your entrails out forcefully for touching his books is over the top?)VERY over the top (But what about the strang-) That was a different story, he purposly destroyed it. Also congrats 150 pages and a fan art page…gotta learn how to draw (yea you mentally impared pigeon)…says the mental reject (I will kill you) But we are the same being! (I WILL FIND A WAY!)
Pfft, blame Victor, he told me I needed to make it more EXTREME. MORE TEETH and such. Admittedly, I am quite happy with how it turned out.
You could always write a fanfic! Which reminds me, we DO have a fanfic, I need to figure out the best way to put it up there…
Not the haunted forest. ANYTHING but that.
Why couldn’t he have lent it out to Normal Forest?
so thgat’s why he’s scared of the library.
Quick! The starch! THE STARCH!
Actually, now I want someone to do a parody of this
With the Second here.
Or maybe I’ll do it. IDK.
What the….
The sad part is, that’s so accurate.
Friendship IS magic, but aparently research is also magic.
i’m sending you more fan art: http://kellynelly.deviantart.com/art/Desire-312191537
OHHH NOOOOO my heart is broken
Of course, it’s ME who gave the Second such a sad existence… b-but…
I put both versions up on the page. I LOVE THEM, so sweet, and I’m happy to see someone draw Grandpa.
From just seeing the title, I thought it was going to be Skärva IV thinking about a water temple, maybe making a face like he did that one time… *shudder*
well thank you. and i gotta say, going from what you thought it was to what it is, that’s kind of a drastic change. i can only imaging the surprise and other such emotions that may have happened.
also, i was sad about drawing it (twice), but i really like the 2nd and feel bad for him, so i wanted to show it. but i like how they turned out and i’m glad you like them!
Derk, you idiot. Totally don’t blame him for being scared of Grampa Skarva’s altform. Yikes.
It’s ok, a hug will calm him down. Right? Too bad it’s just so difficult to hug a ghost…
Spray him with flour or shortening and then hug him?
Regarding the question asked: yes. Lanky was awesome, but I loved Diddy and his peanut popguns.
Oh good, I’m glad someone noticed. The reason I asked is because this comic reminds me of that TERRIFYING voice that would come out of nowhere after you complete certain challenges and tell you to “GET OUT.” I was like 8 when I first played that game, and that will stick with me forever!
I think I was 10 at the time that game came out. I was too busy having fun with the Kongs’ abilities to get too far at the time. That and I think I was distracted by Banjo-Kazooie. Worst “Simlish” voices ever. “Raararaaaaraaaaraaaaah.”
If I were the artist I would’ve made skarva arch over his grandpa and made leen forwards more with open eyes and a foaming mouth like he sometimes has. He must’ve goten a rabies shot recently, perhaps thats what he was doing when courtney was sick last week. Also Mr skarva the II seemed so kind until he got huge and flipped Derk off in th 2nd to last pannel.
Is… is it bad that my reaction to The Second’s new form and large, unanchored text was a big smile? It may be. XD;
Suffice it to say that I like this page very much. ^_^
Hmm… Given the first panel, is Skärva’s “Rage Glow” an objective effect, as opposed to artistic licence? (Setting aside certain arguable philosophical issues in claiming with certainty anything to be objective) I think that I had taken it to be an artistic element rather than an “in-universe” one.
I’m glad to see the fan-art page up – I really enjoyed some of those pieces. ^_^
Well, as for myself, I had a lot of fun drawing it
You could interpret it either way. I always saw it as artistic license, but here I didn’t want it to take up the whole panel, so it looks like Skärva is using Explosion. But I could see it actually sort of appearing as an aura around him. Whatever you want to think.
Aw man, that reminds me, I meant to put some spit in there on the first panel. I should go back and add that tomorrow.
explosion has 250 base power
climate taidescr
If I were the artist I would’ve made skarva arch over his grandpa and made leen forwards more with open eyes and a foaming mouth like he sometimes has. He must’ve goten a rabies shot recently, perhaps thats what he was doing when courtney was sick last week. Also Mr Skarva II seemed so nice until he got huge and flipped Derk off in the 2nd to last pannel. Plus I think Captcha is trying to say teasing GI Joe. No Joke.
Bahaha. He’s just pointing at him. We are a nice family-friendly comic! (If only the Skärvas were more friendly to their family…)
About that transformy thing, can Ecta do that to? Ga! Ive got to get a gravatar so I dont hav to deal with captcha, plus Ive got a great Idea for some fan art.
I do believe any ghost could do it, provided they were capable of reaching such a point of rage. After all, a ghost is a person’s soul, their essence, their magic… it takes the form of their body because that’s what it’s been molded in to, but it’s free to be more loose now that the body has perished.
Ecta gets mad a lot, but we haven’t seen her TRULY lose it… I wonder what will set her off, some day!
Also, you don’t have to get a gravatar, just an account with us. You can do so here! http://thefourthcomic.com/wp-login.php?action=register
Time to set up a gravatar!
Angry Grampy O_O!!! Soo happy about the fanart page, expect more from me once my life decided to start being normal again!
Yay! Best of luck to you… I know I don’t have much time for doing art on the side either …
It was cute and then Derk started touching things.
We still love you, Derk!
I changed my name from Hrec as well.
now I’ve got an account on your site but can’t figure out how to get a profile pic. Anyone here know how to help?
I still think you have to set it up through Gravatar.com. That’s how mine works. So if you use the email address you’ve connected with this account, it should work here.
Is the Second giving Derk the finger in the sixth panel? lol
Gah, no! He’s pointing at him DOOMFULLY, clearly! People in Idenau have three fingers and a thumb!
“Anyone played DK 64?”
*raises hand* YO! I know exactly what part of the game you were getting at here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySQ_8FI9DHk
I really should get back to playing that…
hahahahaha. i jus got the donkey kong 64 reference. xDDDD
also…angry skaervah’s ghost friends say “WHAT DID I SAY? DO. NOT. TOUCH. MY. FRIENDS” and “GET OUT” all the time
town; weakhs
and i think thats rage #5?
Now I REALLY want to have Blank go through here! Heck of a boss fight!
-RU =)