Return of the Orange Fury
on May 7, 2012 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
ON TIME AGAIN. And yeah, new wallpapers.
Did you see the new wallpaper? Find it under Extras, or on the blog!
Also… TODAY IS SKÄRVA’S BIRTHDAY! Sort of. Months are different in Idenau… but we can celebrate here, because a year ago on May 7th, his hideous proto-form crawled forth from my pen for the first time. He looked pretty different then, but it was still him, and he became for the first time a skinny four-eyebrowed sharkman sorceror instead of a jumble of other ideas and possibilities which formed the generalized concept of our main character.
…I’m still not quite sure when I’ll be ready to post that first drawing, though. Some things it’s better to go through life never seeing.
Ahh, noble Blank, thou art still very much annoying.
I totally thought he’d take the potion, but then he whipped out all this ‘will of the gods’ stuff. I loved the image of Veronika holding a baby, though, s cute! Reminds me of the main characters for my story. Because they have a behbeh together for the sequel story.
Blank is so noble, his imaginings skip straight from them getting married to them having a baby
Oh, noble Blank.
Captcha says ‘Elisha yingCar’
Aw, man, this is anti-climatic. I really hoped this wouldn’t go as it would any other time.
Ah well. Maybe something will still go horribly wrong for all parties involved? Maybe Blank will give way to anger and accidentally kill Skarva? Maybe they’ll both piss off the gods somehow? Maybe the love potion is airborne, and Blank unwittingly released a love-plague upon the world?
I’m still holding out hope that an interesting twist will come in by Wednesday, at least. Good art this page, though. Love the higher detail on Skarva’s shark-teeth.
I suppose that’s the danger we risked, annoying our readers when we set out to make a comic about what it must feel like to be a game villain, to have an army of minions and a brilliant plan and still get defeated by a single pure-hearted dork without fail – to have so much hope and set-up just to be inevitably let down. HOWEVER, that’s been the story so far… we are approaching a critical moment where we shift gears, very soon. All of what I just described had to happen in order to fuel the rest of the story… So stick with us!
(And thanks for the art compliment :D)
I can just imagine some player, standard video game playing person, running through this scenario the first time and thinking about it. Then deciding yes and accidentally clicking no and seeing this scene. “Darnit, when did I last save again?”
“Yes” would lead to an elaborate game-over scenario, where Skärva deposes the king and rules Idenau with no one to stop him, while Blank and Veronika (no longer a princess) move out of Idenau, leaving it behind to deal with the rule of a rather moody shark-king… it’s still not that bad of an ending, but IT WOULD MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY. (Maybe the potion wears off at some point, Veronika wakes up next to Blank and hell breaks loose.) You’d have to select “no” to really win.
Depends on how effective that potion actually is. There’s about one chance every 100 years to test it, and it’s guarded by really angry plant-people. Could turn out it’s a “Minor Flirtation” drug that the wizard REALLY over-hyped.
angry Skarva is epic and foaming-at-the-mouth-Skarva is priceless. all that work, down the drain. if Skarva really knew Blank well he should know that he loves the Gods above all else. oh Skarva, you still have a lot to learn about heroes…
I can just hear Ecta screaming now when she finds out that journey to the forest and the whole vine-tentacle debacle were in vain.
umm… is the little bird marrying them, or are they just holding it?
The bird is their ring-bearer It’s hard to see…
aw thats so cute!
I love how he starts frothing at the mouth. xD
That’s how you know he’s really REALLY angry.
Huh. Skärva has a point there. Blank is way too eager to just submit to the will of the gods.
Love his eyes in the penultimate panel.
He… can’t really help it. Oh Blank, chosen pawn of the gods…
As much as I want skarva to win, when blank decided not to use the potien. My respect grew for him ten-fold.
Yes, he held his ideal future in his hands, but it wouldn’t have been true or right. So although it was hard, he had to let it go.
And somehow this seemed to be inevitable.
I see we’re getting a good mix of people who saw this coming, and people who really thought Blank would go through with it… and maybe others who thought some crazy romantic comedy shenanigans would happen. (Which I wouldn’t have minded exploring, but we have more important things in the overall story to get to!)
Skarva has a point, though. Blank doesn’t seem to have any will of his own. He goes through all of Skarva’s forces and traps for what? The gods! Sure they keep him alive to fulfill what they want, but if it’s for his own gain (Veronica’s love), he can go **** himself for all they care.
He is a Player Character…
Well… he really doesn’t feel like he’s in charge of his own actions sometimes!
Depending on how you look at it, you might even say the gods are as cruel to him as to Skärva, if not more so…
uuuuggggg dang i was so ready for him to feed it to her. nice twist though i like it.
by the way were is lorelei and derk now. do you think that blank would like lorelei like he does veronika or is she to evil for him…?
Well, if she was older, maybe But Blank’s heart, as of now, is pretty stubbornly set. He doesn’t really pay any attention to Lorelei, but I’m sure he would feel that she could be swayed to come over to the good side, like he’s tried to do with Derk. As for Lorelei, she only ever sees Blank in the context of doing harm to the people she loves most, so she’s not too fond of him!
Anyway, Derk is passed out from exhaustion, and Lorelei… well, you don’t really think she’s just going to sit in her room and trust that Mr. Skärva will be ok *this time*, do you? We’ll check in on her soon!
Oh yes, the villain let the evil plot slip.
Bottles go “crash” all the time. Especially in my house.
Oh, and I suppose I owe you these.
(|•╤•|) (|•╤•|) (|•╤•|)
Yay! I can ride my virtual elephants around the interwebs!
Have fun, and try not to squish anything too important!
Well fine, waste the potion, waste all the work, but break the bottle? Does he have any idea how rare those bottles are?
Yeah, I find that the hardest to believe in this entire situation, considering how excited he was about it a few minutes ago I guess he wasn’t thinking… he’ll curse himself for his melodrama later. Should have just poured the stuff out.
Marriage, conspicuous gap, baby, playing with kid.
Maybe he was thinking about what happens in that gap, but this is an E-rated comic
Happy birthday, Skärva! You look awesome in panel 5!!!
GUMS. He has them.
Skärva’s a whole year old!
Actually I’m more excited about those crazy teeth and his sudden fluffiness.
Yeah… his eyebrows…. THEY BEG TO BE STROKED
Lii flower juice say ‘crrrash!’ all the time!
extremely angry skaervahs say “WHAT!!?” all the time too
Technically it was the bottle saying that, or that’s some weird juice…
he must’ve used magic pocket again
whysteny settled
whysteny not?
Oh my gosh, Blank, what’d you doooo D8
Like, I’m sorry for not commenting for so long… I’m a bad fan, my apologies, forgive me please ;_;
Also did I mention that I absolutely love love LOVE Skärva’s design? Like, seriously. So much, that I want an action figure of him. He’d be best buddies with my K. Rool figure. … Or not. xD
Of course! They’d totally be bros and talk about capes and compare teeth, and argue about whether a perpetual black eye or a perpetual bloodshot eye is worse.
And hey, it’s totally alright! Commenting on things can be difficult, sometimes it’s hard to come up with things to say! I had no doubt that you were still with us.
Skärva action figures? That sounds like the best idea ever.
Hahaha, he is totally making that pose, isn’t he? Although in reality it’s more of an “I STRANGL U” pose…
oh no
those dreams Lorelei has been having
eaysica service: They DO have good service…
The dreams are very significant, though it may not be obvious why for a while yet…
Wow, that bottle sure smashed explosively! The force even propelled a shard of glass BACK IN TIME to the previous panel!
It’s going to hit Blank in the head, right in front of his kid too! How tragic…
…Wait…so is that back in time to forward in time?
It went back in time to pierce his imaginings, therefore convincing him to let the bottle go, so that it could shatter on the ground and send a piece back in time to pierce his imaginings. TIME LOOP
So, continuing on our conversation about genetic fingers or whatever, the first few comics did have the characters with four fingers.
Pfft, weird old wizard. ‘Howari fraction’
Yeah, the wizard is just a freak, and his freaky aura may cause temporary mutations in the hands of people around him. ^_^;
seems legit…
That it does, Kelly Nelly, that it does.
Nyaargh!! What is up with Captcha giving me names of possible people and places?? Now it says Doveton Retarye!
Poor Veronika. She has no say in this matter what so ever.
Indeed, it’s totally not right and it’s important to bear in mind that Skärva is evil, after all. Lucky for her, her determination not to love anyone seems to be winning in the end.
[b] Urgent Question(s)/ Sudden Realization(s): [/b]
Does Skarva have a Dorsal fin, sand-papery skin, and the ability to swim really well?
No! And no, his skin is nice ‘n soft… and I think he’s a pretty good swimmer but that’s just a coincidence. I guess I don’t stress this enough because I’m always tossing the shark epithets around, but he’s really not a shark… just a man who was cursed to look like a shark. Originally I had him hiding gills, hence why all the Skärvas are obsessed with wearing collars, but I decided I didn’t want the shark thing to actually give them any benefits because the gods aren’t that nice.
…He DOES have quite the voracious appetite though, but I think that’s just connected to how much magic he drains all the time.
Ok. That clears things up. Thanks!
oh yes, gotta love the “pot-milkshakes”.
Well that didn’t go as planned.
And now Skärva has a… however-much-Blank-weighs angry hero coming at him at 200 miles per hour!
Pearl of Wisdom:If write pearls of wisdom for while eventually you’ll run out, so got the ocean and start gagging all smart clams.
o yeah any of yall got the super rod ……. and water proof books?
Blank, quick! Do the jump!
Oh right! I must compete with Manic for whatever reason!
Pearl of wisdom: Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t be expecting it back.
“Take something for yourself?” Ick. This is a person we’re talking about…
I know. And Skärva is evil and thoughtless. Despite the fact that he’s our main character, we never want to call him a “hero” or say everything he does is ok and he’s just on the wrong side of fate. Despite solving things with violence, Blank IS the better person here, and he made the right choice.
Wow. Didn’t see that coming at all. Was expecting those awkward moments where it backfires and odd people end up in love with more odd people ala Midsummer Night’s Dream. I can’t tell you how relieved I am; aside from previously mentioned play, most of those kinds of plots just get more awkward than humorous.
And THIS way…Blank becomes even MORE awesome than back earlier. I’m actually starting to really like the goofy little do-gooder, despite something derpy about his character design lol.
But yeah…after the initial pleasant surprise wore off, I was like “NO BLANK, YOU FOOl! THE BOTTLE!!” Too much Zelda for me too I guess, hehe.
Skaerva, like all villains, never knows when to keep his mouth shut. Hafta monologe SOMEhow.