Wow, you changed your gravatar to my most finely drawn panel! It was a true moment of inspiration… I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do something like that again.
Yaaay Princess V is back! I just love how you draw her hair by the way. And speaking of hair, Skaerva’s side locks are nearly to his waist now. I wish MY hair grew that fast…and I can say that ’cause I live with a hairdresser lol.
“reasance chapel” says Captcha. Apparantly it can’t spell Renaissance or something…
oh and the “h” in chapel is upside down. I think its trying to kill me. Or my keyboard…
Oh hell…there’s some reason Veronika’s face isn’t visible, isn’t there? Skarva, run while you have the chance
See my comment to The Hanged Man.
For some reason, I really, really love how you drew Skarva and all of his poses and facial expressions in this strip. Well, more than usual.
I’m really not quite sure why, lol.
I’m not sure why either, but thanks!
I do like his windy hair though.
Lorelei’s worried!
I thought blank would already be there.
skarva’s hair is extra crazy in the wind.
Yeah, she has Skärva and Derk’s reassurances to weigh against her own experiences that every time Blank comes, Mr. Skärva ends up a mangled mess.
Derk is so awesome in this one…
idesians day
Hmm, that’s very close to Idenians’ day. An Idenian is someone from Idenau. Now you know! Skärva and friends do seem to have very long and busy days…
oh! so that;s what it was. Stupid Captcha made a typo.
… there’s a word and a picture of some sort of label… yeah, changing that to something I can kinda understand.
I was half expecting Blank in the last panel.
Combine this with Dac’s comment and… OH GODS IT’S BLANK IN A WIG
I want this to happen.
And according to Captcha, that Lurkin is now dubbed Scott.
Sure, why not?
…I mean the Scott thing
welp it cant happen, blank being verawnikaw in disguise…
the bird. im pretty sure she would lash out if anyone were to touch it; including blank.
Well, he/she isn’t touching it. But yeah, I think you’re right… not like anyone could catch the little guy in the first place, though!
My Captcha says Scott is a practical ingistbl.
*fails to enter it correctly*
Now he’s a dolobt machinist!? Make up your mind!
Scott’s a man of many talents. I don’t see why he can’t be both an ingistbl and a machinist, especially since he’s only a dolobt machinist.
I was going to say something, but my captcha distracted me.
“throat-latch ofozat”? WTF is a throat-latch?
Sounds scary. We should make that an enemy design.
Oh, and panels say “soon” all the time.
I have 83 spsehe. That’s probably more than you do!
Wow, you changed your gravatar to my most finely drawn panel! It was a true moment of inspiration… I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do something like that again.
lol. that doesnt count. the “sounds” are always white
my captcha seems like an Idenau race car from Iden’s Fast-track( their version of nascar
Unfortunately, Blank chose this quest to do a speedrun.
after all, the foot ball game is coming on soon, and not even the fate of the realm takes priority over football.
Hmm, now Blank sounds like mah dad.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the Princess isn’t exactly who Skärva expects her to be.
thus, ubmajkm. What?
Nah, I think she is.
It seems pretty straight-forward to me…
Oh, darn. I love heroes dressed as princesses.
Really? …Now it’s nsuplev was.
Like Luigi! Dang, I need to play Superstar Saga again. (After finishing the multitude of games I now have that I need to beat for the first time)
the castle looks like the one on paper mario >.>
aounge time…..must be time for aounging
have u eaten any frujts lately?
Well my art style is kind of what would happen if Paper Mario and Banjo-Kazooie had a baby, so yeah.
And yes, I eat frujts at almost every meal! They are healthy and deljcjous.
Oh gosh that just killed me laughing lol.
Yaaay Princess V is back!
I just love how you draw her hair by the way. And speaking of hair, Skaerva’s side locks are nearly to his waist now. I wish MY hair grew that fast…and I can say that ’cause I live with a hairdresser lol.
“reasance chapel” says Captcha. Apparantly it can’t spell Renaissance or something…
oh and the “h” in chapel is upside down. I think its trying to kill me. Or my keyboard…
I think Skärva’s hair is literally magical. Did you see how much he already had when he was just a very lil baby?
and @abscondwithapie
whats troubling derk derkleton?
Oh I can’t answer this question for you? Ok fine
Or you’re just trying to get Victor to talk. I’m ok with that.
lol no not that XD
its that “hmm. i want to ask about his looks interesting enough for me to ask” (my thoughts) xD