It’s June 4th! We’re 7 years old today!

As detailed in this post, due to a mix of other obligations (both art and family related), I wasn’t able to draw anything myself this year. So I put out a call for fan art, in addition to uploading some stuff I got for my own birthday that I hadn’t gotten around to posting yet. Check out the link for a little bit of info on where we stand right now.

But let’s get to the lovely art you have provided recently! We have such sweet, patient readers and I love you all dearly. And it’s going to be a little bit yet before I can get another comic out, so feel free to submit something – it’s not too late and I’d love to keep adding onto this post in the days to come! (I also really hope I didn’t forget anything, but please let me know if I did!!)

A lovely group picture from Cencan!

AwshomeHat brings us this pixel-perfect Skärva!

An adorable sharkman from Lin!! But don’t call him cute to his face…

Another from Lin. Probably right after someone called him cute! I TOLD you not to!!

Shard blesses us with this victorious Skärva. Finally showing the gods who’s boss!

The gang’s all here!! By Courtney’s friend Jay!

Poor Blank deserves some love too, after all! Right? A beautiful pic from Courtney’s friend Saskia!

Longtime reader Thaumaturge imagines our sharkboy FINALLY embracing the pirate life as much as Courtney herself would.

More piracy, this time from Lin! Goldgills did say they always had a spot open on their crew for a good cannoneer…

Speaking of characters who need more love, let’s not forget our favorite (…and only) bard! From Aelandia!

CHECK OUT THIS AMAZING SHINY REAL-LIFE LOGO THAT FALX MADE!! He’s sending it to us and I can’t wait to hang it up!!!

Happy 7th!!