Burninating the Peasants…
on February 27, 2014 at 11:59 pmCourtney:
This next segment just might be totally inspired by the segment of Pirates of the Caribbean where everything is on fire. The ride. I liked (most of?) the movies but they’ve gotten enough love that we can spare our comic the Jar of Dirt references. Savvy?
Lorelei is “the patron saint of loving unloved things” according to Jinxed44. Very true!
Anyone else here into Twitch Plays Pokemon? I find the whole thing and the mythology that has evolved (heh) around it truly fascinating!
Poor Jim; I’m gonna miss him. He was such a nice…skull.
And man, the Twitch thing has been insane! I can barely keep up with it…
Jim: the most beloved character that’s been on only two pages since (originally) Davis. I don’t think he’s going to suddenly show up at the castle though.
Yep. The Pirates of the Carribean ride goes exactly like this.
(Anarchy Democracy Anarchy Anarchy up down left right B A Start)
*Secretly worships Dome because… Kabutops is awesome!*
Did you know Jim would be popular or did you give him his own farewell page for fanservice (Democracy)?
Probably the later, I mean this was explained in the guest comic… Also, have you seen Jim? That is the most adorable skull ever! The complementary color really helps too.
Yep, originally Goldie was just going to toss him casually aside as they were leaving but you guys helped us realize it was more in character for Lorelei to do this. Also we needed to explain why they can’t take him back, in case people don’t always read the comments.
Sometimes it’s cool that we never have page-by-page planned out too far in advance Dynamic responsiveness is one of the coolest things the webcomic medium allows. But we won’t always bend to your whims so don’t get a big head now
I KNEW IT! SKARVA IS BECOMING MORE PIRATEISH! Haha I knew he would soon start talking slightly like a pirate!
“I’ve gotta get out of here, mate- MAN! I be losing it!”
Rather ironic that Lorelei get on so well with the pirates, considering that Lorelei is a creature that lures sailors to their deaths…
Lorelei is a siren?
Ha! Yeah. Her name isn’t meant as a reference to that at all, although I do like the mythical connotations. It’s more a reference to me playing Pokemon when I was about the ambiguous age Lorelei is now and coming across the name, thinking it was the COOLEST name, endeavoring to name a potential future daughter as such, eventually meeting a life partner who is not so high on it so naming one of our brainchildren that instead.
I see what you did there.
Nope, don’t even know what that is. I thought it was just a live chatroom website kinda thing.
Yeah, at first I just thought it was some kind of Let’s Play (a la Game Grumps) that everyone was getting excited about. But I was wrong… or kind of right? Because it’s actually the most literal “let’s play” there could be – tens of thousands of people all vying to control a game of Pokemon (Red) at once! Amazingly, even with a constant chat stream of conflicting commands with a slight time lag, they’ve managed to almost beat the Elite Four, with many crazy missteps (including releasing some of their most valuable Pokemon) that have led myths to be formed around the events.
On the topic of Pokemon I noticed a similarities between your Lorelei and the Lorelei from Pokemon red and blue. Pokemon’s Lorelei uses ice type, Skarva and Derk found their Lorelei in a snowy area. They both have red hair. Pokemon’s Lorelei loves spamming full restores and their Lorelei has healing abilities. Anyways I could be looking to far into this.
Surprise! Idenau is in the Pokemon world and magic functions on the same basic principles as Pokemon attacks! Lorelei grows up to be in the Elite Four. Also Bruno is actually Derk.
Nah, those are all coincidences really, but that’s pretty neat! Even though Lorelei has like no character in the games, ice was always one of my favorite types and she seemed super cool so I always really liked her!
loot and pillage! this should be more up skarva’s alley! I knew nothing bad could come of a strip with burninating in the title
Yeah! I’m going to try to stay more on top of the Crystal adventure. And even participate a bit… not that I can make much of a difference, but just to say I was there!
It’s gonna be hard to top Red’s adventures though.
Y’know, the longer I look at this page, the more I appreciate it: the scripts, dialogue, outlines, characters, backgrounds, and storytelling have all become phenomenal since the start of this adventure, but most of all, Courtney has gotten really, really good at drawing Skarvs seething.
Thanks so much! And yeah. I’ve gotten a lot of practice in when it comes to that particular emotion. It takes more energy to frown than to smile, y’know! That’s probably why he’s so skinny!
The transformation has begun!
Ah, I sat and watched Twitch Plays Pokemon for about an hour Friday night. I’m amazed they’ve gotten as far as they have.
Dammit Blank, you were supposed to save the town, not burn it to the ground! We know Skarva didn’t do it, he doesn’t even HAVE fire spells!
It was Davis! He LOVES watching things burn!