A library for a boss room, how exciting could that be you’d have to be quiet.
And now I am imagining a Dragon Ball Z style fight seen but have way through an elderly librarian makes the ‘ssh’ and the rest of the fight goes quiet with them silently shouting.
No key required! I’ll say it’s either due to Skarva’s Dungeoneering know-how, or that this place is just not adventurer-ready at the moment so all kinda of doors were left open.
Are Skarvs’ “h”s always lowercase? I feel like I haven’t ever paid attention to that, it’s weird. :’P
Also, did you forget to color Veronika’s crown in the fourth panel or is that just me? ;;
Yeah, his font doesn’t have a capital/lowercase difference, so it’s always been like that. You can check the “Shut Up” showcase you made
Oops! Fixed.
I still plan to continue that!
A library for a boss room, how exciting could that be you’d have to be quiet.
And now I am imagining a Dragon Ball Z style fight seen but have way through an elderly librarian makes the ‘ssh’ and the rest of the fight goes quiet with them silently shouting.
No key required! I’ll say it’s either due to Skarva’s Dungeoneering know-how, or that this place is just not adventurer-ready at the moment so all kinda of doors were left open.
Look, it’s the boss! Grab your pokemon and prepare for battle, Skarvs!
Ever gotten to the boss room only to backtrack to find the boss key? That’s always annoying.
My sister and her friend spent forever trying to find the boss key, only to realize they had it on them the entire time.
Epic entrance at last panel