I hope you enjoyed our Havocfest fun! Go back a page if you missed it. Sorry I ran out of time and wasn’t able to honor as many requests as I wanted to. Maybe I’ll randomly draw some anyway in the coming weeks, or I might save some for next year- which at the rate we’re going, will be here in the blink of an eye. (I did do my dad’s request though!)
We’ve got a lot written out, so we should be able to plow right on through until the end of this arc with no major breaks. Not even for the holidays, I hope! *knocks on wood*
I rather like this page, which is good because I’m not happy about much else tonight.
Yay, it’s back! ^^
I’m happy too!
The colors here are really nice! It’s so…glow-y. I love it.
I hope the ice cream you ate was really good and didn’t make you sick…
Thank you!
It was delicious. I ate all that was left and that was just enough, I think.
I love Cyril
Gently, gently! Don’t want to break the world, Skärva!
Well, good to see Skarva can operate the castle with his magic…
Nice job on that last panel. The perspective with Derk in the foreground makes it more interesting!