Good thing Skärva was looking out that window
on April 25, 2012 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
Final projects + Finals.
Could the setup in panel 3 look any more like a Pokémon battle?
Jeez, my computer is really starting to show its age now that I’m doing the comics in a higher resolution >_<
backstory banter mixed with epic fight scenes? yes! just what i needed after finishing my 5-page research paper at 1:30 in the morning. finals suck, but the fourth rocks!!!
I agree with both of your sentiments, but at least finishing your finals is such a satisfying feeling. A year ago I would have said, except for the consuming doubt and worry that follows, but I’ve learned to get past that so much better now. XD
talking causes distractions. talk less, derk. next time, eat the golden bacon
I can’t believe you didn’t say anything about poor SHIELDBREAK. It tried so hard to get your attention.
I like that he had to pick his hat up. It’s in the details.
It’s not my role in your comments to talk about its Pokemon-ness, or to state that ____s say “_____” all the time, but…
A critical hit!
DERK was burned!
DERK fainted!
…Swords hitting light shields say “SHIELD BREAK” all the time.
Oh, and I just noticed this–I love how the panels have little shadows. <3
The… oh yeah. That’s totally a thoughtful, caring detail and not some weird artifact that happened when I ported the template to a higher resolution. ^_^;
I didn’t realize it was anyone’s role specifically to talk about Pokémon-ness, so go right ahead. And since The Guy didn’t reference that giant SHIELDBREAK, a fact which absolutely astounds me, you had every right to take that too.
Pearl of Wisdom:Never drink 3 Gallons of gasoline and then throw 7 burning matches down your throat because it might hurt.
Well, that was gonna be my plan for this weekend’s carousings. I’m glad you warned me!
Pearl of wisdom: Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons because, to them, you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
Anyway, anyone else notice how often Blank does that same jump attack?
I don’t have a lot of action poses in my repertoire XD I mean, he JUST REALLY LIKES IT. Jumping around is his signature. I think his spirit animal is a flea.
Was noticing this too, but then again…does Link ever shake up his jump attack? Well, OK new Wii games withstanding, but point remains valid.
Poor derk but at last we get to see how skarvas plan will work out.
Indeed… oh man these finals are stressful! We might need a week’s hiatus…
D: please don’t make us wait!
I was just kidding! I’m as excited for upcoming things as you are… in fact, probably more so, because I know some things that are coming that I really want to share…
You just made me want it all more O.o
Ya know I didn’t relies his hat was off and when he’s picking it up in the 2nd to last panel its classic “Of course m’lady.” pose and Derk makes me feel almost as bad as I did when a prototype of omega blew himself up after relising a prototype of naga died and released a smal green bird that looked like another bird he liked than relising that he was powered by the brother of both brothers took his arm machine gun put it to his hard and started blasting away hence revealing the small blue bird and then flying away with his red and green brothers.
………what the heck?
Hm. That’s exactly how it makes me feel too.
Awesome page. Thank you very much for providing it.
Aww… aw! Thank you!
soo…we have
captcha references, pokemon refernces(ESPECIALLY), even sound effect references(been doin it forever), and occasionally puns
lol whats next?
Shield Break is the coolest sound effect.
And Skarvy was OBVIOUSLY staring at the window the whole time. Not like he has anything better to do.
Derk is so brave for protecting his friend… it sucks that SHIELDBREAK left him all singed…
Blank is annoying again.
Poor Derk. I was rooting for him! But I guess this was part of Skärva’s plan anyway!
Yeah, there was never a ghost of a thought in Derk’s mind that he would actually win…
Blank hurt Derk.
I just noticed that the lightning in the last panel wasn’t lightning, but a signal from Drek! Nice job with the details.
Oh, so Blank’s mindless hammering at the shields was doing something after all! Well played, competence restored!
Loved this fight so much!
everything i learn about derk makes me love him more lol, this is such a fun battle.