Colors soon! Procrastination, thy name is Fallout. It’s a struggle… I’m sorry.
THE GOOD NEWS is that next update we will be seeing some familiar faces! It’s almost the holidays and my gift to myself this year is getting out of Castle Bladud and wrapping up this story.
Now I am thinkin of The Fourth but Fallout Style
Yes Please.
I mean, there are shanty houses in this place. Fallout is basically research. RIGHT
D’aw, that last panel is kinda sweet, both in Skärva’s explanation and Veronika’s expression. ^_^
*ahem* So, is it safe to say that you’ve “Fallen Out” of your schedule?
Okay, so my use of the block-quote tag almost worked! ^^;
(I do think that I know what I did wrong, however.)
That joke really bombed. Your nuclear family may think it’s totally rad, but I found not an atom of humor.
(Just kidding, I always appreciate your puns, you know!
You couldn’t ash for better, surely–I think these jokes are a blast!
But all right, all right, I’ll “cap” it there for now… ;P
I love Derk’s face in the 3rd panel I can’t stop laughing. ♥
If they found out they might try to work for you, and Skarvers has more minions than he can manage already…
Well, he did almost destroy the place by stealing their power… I wonder what will happen to those minions now that they are free. I mean, they weren’t really the brightest to begin with.
Fallout, the best time sink. Do you have it for PC?
I’m playing it on the X-bone, Victor on his PC. I don’t have a computer of my own powerful enough to handle it, and I got the One pretty much for this and Rare Replay. And by “pretty much” I mean “only,” so I need to find something else afterwards. XD
The minions in this place aren’t dumb so much as… taking certain assumptions as dogma. Which isn’t exactly smart, but is something we all fall victim to in our own ways.
It’s official. I am now shipping Skarva and the Princess. <3
This is the first time I’ve stumbled upon one of your pages before it got colored!
Except the page where they meet Cyril or the first time, which I believe is still uncolored.
Oh gosh, haha. Victor used to bug me to fix that but I think we both forgot about it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) My excuse is that the moment Cyril entered Skärva’s life was such a stark and bleak moment that he remembers it without color.
Also I love Skärva’s uncomfortable face, Heheh.