Lorelei has absolutely no idea what’s going on
on October 19, 2011 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
Skärva always feels a little sick at the sight of cuteness, but even he succumbs to its wiles.
Davis, put that cloak back on you exhibitionist!
“What sound does a cloak falling onto a little girl make?” These are the things I ponder at one in the morning.
cloaks say “fwump” all the time
well i guess she doesnt considering she wasnt with the group until sammiches came in the story.
and NOOO skaervah wasnt supposed to fall for the puppy dog eyes
…Why was I not sitting there just waiting for you to make that very comment? I should’ve seen it coming.
skarva: derk
derk: yea boss?
skarva: force feed Davis some magic food if he does the puppy dog face
derk: sure thing boss
lorelei: who in idenau is Davis?
Davis joined the party!
Skills include: Sarcasm, Hypnotic Cuteness, Immortality, and Opening Doors for People.
Aww man, first people mistakenly thought the little girl was some supreme evil, now people are gonna think the little demon is… oh… wait. I guess it’s more plausible.
i have a voice imagined for davis
Oh really? Describe it the best you can, I’m curious
I imagine him as having a surprisingly freaky voice, despite his cute exterior – deeper than you’d expect, and a bit distorted – I tried to get that across with his font.
its kinda high pitched with a slight scratchy sound too it
I’ve got him as a mafia enforcer-type voice.
Honestly, I have mys suspicions about Lorelei myself – after all, her appearance, powers and seeming lack of any sort of other parental figures is somewhat mysterious, it seems to me.
Of course, much of that may simply be a means of getting her into a position to join the cast, but the mystery remains fun and the grounds for suspicion seem sound, so I intend to hold to it for now.
Bah, a typo! *my suspicions >:(
Awww. Well, much as I hate to narrow your theories, I’d hate even more for you to go through the comic thinking anything else than that Lorelei loves her adopted “family” with all her heart. If she didn’t, I don’t think her nightmares about Skärva would be so horrifying to her. She knows nothing more of her own past than you do. Of course, the truth about where she came from is very significant to the story overall, and you’ll find it out… someday.
Of course, nobody suspects Derk, and little do they know…
Just kidding, Derk is 100% the sweetest guy and I know there are some people who take what I say in these comments too seriously sometimes. XD
Oh, I don’t suspect her of being evil – indeed, her being a spirit of good seems rather more likely.
As to Derk, aha! The real mastermind revealed! The facade falls away to reveal the true, cunning intellect beneath, patiently and deftly moving the pieces in its own intricate game.
But to what end…? Dun dun DUNNN!
Oh no.
Oh NO. You do NOT use Lorelei as a coat rack!
Unless you’re Davis. In which case you totally do.
I think demons are some of the only creatures immune to Lorelei’s cuteness. …Not because they’re hellspawn, but because they’re just as cute, so it has no effect.
Skarva is such a sweetie, :3
Aww yes. I wanna hug his leg too.
I would say Davis is more imp-like then demon-like
Yeah, there are certainly bigger and scarier demons out there, and you might be tempted to call Davis and his kind imps or “lesser demons”, as some people do behind their backs – but they find that very insulting. They are demons too after all, so you’re better off just calling them that and not making reference to their size. Although Davis does know how to work his small size and big eyes to his advantage.
im gonna draw Ektah, Daevius, and Floid
Who are they?
Those puppy dog eyes by Davis are perfect! How else do you expect him to get his way?