Necktie Derk is not amused
on October 21, 2011 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
Oh no it’s Courtney’s and my anniversary and I didn’t get her ANYTHING. #FlintstonesEpisode
The Fourth has been with me and Victor for well over a third of our relationship. In fact if you count planning and conceiving it, it’s like, half.
Congratulations to both of you on your anniversary! ^_^
The comic, by the way, is hilarious, starting with the simple image of Derk in a tie.
(And since I think this to be my first non-reply comment since Davis returned, I hereby register my suspicion regarding his motives. They are suspicious. His being a demon probably doesn’t help his case, admittedly. :P)
What’s there to be suspicious of? Skarva’s only enemy is Blank…and I can’t see Blank coming up with some nefarious plan to topple Skarva through the use of demon spies/saboteurs when he could just walk in and destroy the place.
Congratulations on the anniversary, as well.
Just because he has no other enemies, doesn’t mean that Skärva – or his resources – might not prove -useful- to other forces. Perhaps Davis himself has higher ambitions than seems to be the case at first glance, or perhaps he’s merely working for another…
(Not that I’m entirely discounting Blank, for that matter, or, perhaps more likely, the yet-mysterious princess…)
Oh yeah, that Princess is really out for power. Considering she’s already the princess of Idenau, and a lot of good the trappings of power have done her.
Heheheh. Sorry, it’s just funny to me… if only you knew how meh she was about everything. Man. You’ll all get to know her soon enough. I’ve been thinking about her for SO LONG.
Heheh, fair enough – although there are things other than outright power that she might have been seeking to gain. However, I’ll wait and see for now, with the Princess being rather less likely, given your comments.
Hehehe, thank you. Derk is so proud of his tie.
Man, poor Davis, can’t a little demon catch a break? I call discrimination! Good thing Castle Skärva is an equal-opportunity employer.
Lacking specifics on the local demons, I feel that it’s only prudent to at least remain cautious of such in each new setting.
(Anyway, his dramatic approach to the castle only leaves his arrival seeming more suspicious. :P)
It’s your anniversary, your anniversary is today, have a happy happy anniversary today.
Also at least you’re not Nathan Detroit.
NICE reference. I saw a production of Guys ‘n Dolls a couple years back.
congrats on ur guys annniversary :3
and derk really loves his job more than bacon.
Thanks :3
Yes, actually. And he REALLY loves bacon.
im doing a picture of derk, floyd and, ecta, and davis
Ohhh no one has ever drawn Derk before. Which makes me sad because Derk is totally the most loveable character, isn’t he? I mean *I* think so.
lol, ull like the picture of Derk i drew
what other types of “derk” will there be?
business derk, necktie derk….?
Happy Anniversary!!! Derk looks great in a tie! I wonder what other questions he could possibly ask in 5 hours?!
Oh, I’m sure he can figure it out. “Do you like picnics?”