on October 21, 2021 at 7:34 pmRecently I learned that it was actually uncommon for pirates to have “first mates”. While they had officers like a quartermaster (which Wings is also) and bosun (that’s Bones), the whole hierarchical mate thing is a terminology and structure from more law-abiding vessels. That said, instead of feeling like I’d done something wrong in already saying Wings was the first mate, I felt it was all the more appropriate; Goldgills is a bit of an unconventional captain, and it’s emblematic of the complete respect he has for Wings that he wants to let the world know she’s his right-hand (or left-hand, in his case) salamandrian.
…and now they’re fighting. Oh no!
Today Victor and I have been together for eleven years, and I’m in a good mood because I’m really proud of this page. So I decided to post it early!
Happy Anniversary you guys! ♥ I hope it was a nice, quiet one! ;v;
I am also with Bones; Louis should never spill any bodily fluids-
If you spill Lou’s fluids, Bones will spill YOU
It’s been a very normal day so far! We’ll probably do something this weekend. Hard to celebrate too much on a Thursday.
I like reading your comics when several pages are done, so finally got caught up again, and just wanted to let you know it’s still really fun to read through. Love seeing these characters again.
Thank you very much!
That means a lot to me!
Goldgills may be moping around, but at least he’s still getting his potassium in.