But I mean, look at his arms; from the elbow to wrist, they seem to arc, and bend in an unnatural way. If you say it’s not curved it’s just perspective, that means his arms are moving more than ninety degrees from his body while from shoulder to elbow they’re along his torso. THAT would break your arms.
Plenty, and they’re all lovely! You did above and beyond, Courtney! ♥
Who the heck designed this, and who reconstructs it every time it breaks?
Did you check under the “rewards” tab?
Lord Bladud, and magic/the curse.
The “A follow-up” in the worldbuilding section of the site leads to the pronunciation station.
Argh, Victor had pointed that out to me too, but I forgot! It’s fixed now. Thanks!
How long before they reach the tightrope part?
It’s right after the part where they have to jump from swinging vine to vine.
If you try to bend your arms like Derk does in Panel 5, you will break both of them and cry like a baby.
I swear, they go at more than a perpendicular angle from his body. Eugh.
Really? I guess I’m not seeing what you’re seeing, but I can do that. Is it just Derk’s inhuman arm proportions that are throwing you?
(Also you’re making me do weird things with my arms at work, just to make sure.
Although perhaps if I bring his left arm (specifically his hand) forward a little, that should make things look a bit more comfortable.
But I mean, look at his arms; from the elbow to wrist, they seem to arc, and bend in an unnatural way. If you say it’s not curved it’s just perspective, that means his arms are moving more than ninety degrees from his body while from shoulder to elbow they’re along his torso. THAT would break your arms.
But Derk has magic arms-
Ok, I’ll be sure to fix it when I get the chance. Because I like you.
Oh my stars…
And also I just noticed your Slice emoji. I will not rest until that is made standard on all phones.
iniating mach scoot speed.
Is it me or is Derk holding himself up and moving forward with his hands in the last panel? That man’s talents are endless!