Someone ate his bacon this morning
on April 20, 2012 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
This was like the first thing we came up with about Derk, so this twist was a long time coming. Much like today, which is the last day of classes!
Okay, what.
No, seriously, what.
Find out next time or eventually on The Fourth!
last time on The Fourth…..(dbz reference)
2 things… First, don’t take this too insultingly, but Blank looks quite silly in the third panel. XD Second, what’s up with Blank’s sword anyway? It’s gold in some parts and grey in most of it. Kinda like Skaerva’s eye, is it just a design thing, or is there a meaning behind it?
(Finally the captcha is working again!)
Nah, I really do need people to tell me when my art looks derpy, or how am I ever going to improve? What looks off about him, may I ask? Also I might as well admit that I feel Blank is my worst character when it comes to drawing consistently…
It has gold tracing in the steel, and unlike Skärva’s eye there is really no story behind it, it’s just his sword being a big flat grey mass was way too boring-looking.
Good to know I don’t need to spend hours awake at night thinking about why Blank’s sword is like that. Also, he just looks weird from the side like that. Particularly his hair. It’s probably mostly due to the fact that they’re silhouettes.
Yeah, like Dac was saying, his hair DOES look too curly there, so I’ll fix it later.
Its infused with the magical powers of
sworn to protect the land of
from the evil of
lest the
bringing endless
to the whole land of
Enjoy the Mad Lib!
Derk just became that much more awesome.
You didn’t think it was possible, but…!
His power level… is over nine-THOUSAAAAAAAAND!
I’mma firin mah lazor!
Have to agree with above, Blank’s hair in the silhouette panel looks rather curly, which is…odd. As far as facial features and stories behind them, I’ve been wondering – is Blank’s missing tooth a story waiting to be told, or just something that happened?
Also, Derk – holy crap, dude. You’ve been holding back on us! And Blank, apparently
Hmm, you’re right. I was trying to make it wavy like usual, and I guess I went overboard. I’ll fix it tonight, after everyone else has had a chance to tell me what’s wrong with that panel. XD
Nah, there’s really no story behind that, although we might come up with one someday. But I do like it being just an insignificant little quirk. I think it just got knocked at some point in his adventuring.
You see, it’s just that he’s had no real reason or chance to use it before now. He doesn’t whip out his magic at every opportunity like SOME PEOPLE.
in the background….
but i thought he was a fighting type. guess hes a fighting/electric?
either way this is my favorite comic strip!
and BLAANKS say “arg” all the time
It’s not electricity, that’s light magic… which I guess could be somewhat close to electric, since it really has no equivalent in the Pokémon world.
i also like how u did the beam coloring; did it take a while?
captcha says to you, “redbud emil” must be a dolobt machinist
Nah, it’s the magic of Photoshop brushes
that bacon must be good as hell! derks enraged!
Dirk is magic?! i can honestly say i did NOT see that coming. so excited to see where this goes!
We love surprising people!
Derk means srs bsns
He should be wearing his tie!
Ha! Well he wouldn’t want to damage it…
derk is way cool how long has he been able to do that or did he just start over his bacon breakfast. He must of had a lot of bacon to do that.
Since he was – well, I don’t know if I should be giving stuff away.
But it’s nothing new for him, hence why Blank isn’t surprised.
lololol derk and lasers
AAAAAAAH *runs around room, flailing wildly*
My Little Villain: Derk is Magic
Derk: He’s good at carrying things, and pushing things, and smashing rocks, and FIRING FRICKIN’ LASER BEAMS.
We never said HOW he smashes rocks.
I used to wonder who Derk was…
And then he shot laser beams out of his hands!
*lalala singing characters*
Oops, that was supposed to be a reply.
I have a new appreciation for Derk now. xD
And about that silhouette…
I have nothing to say because I’m the person that usually just drools over the awesome artwork and pays no attention to any possible quirks. xD
“The Vealine”.
Skärva is such a vealine!
Aw- awesome? COURTNEY gained 438 SELF-ESTEEM POINTS!
…. Derk is magical! SO AWESOME.
(I would say “Blanks say AUGH all the time” but it doesn’t count.)
a) It’s “arg”, clearly
b) The Guy beat you to it, anyway ^_^;
Awesome, they have a history (other than seeing each other on and off on Princess Kidnapation Days).
Go Derk!
Well, it’s not like they go out for some beer on the weekend, but I think no one could resist seeing Derk as something of a friend once they’ve met him.
Well that certainly pushed me up from this terrible mood I’ve been in. Don’t know how Derk suddenly using magic cheered me up, but… xD
Blank should really learn to just not mess with people, otherwise they’ll surprise you and suddenly hit you with magic.
Captcha says “Compass rnmodsh”. …Wait, what?
Yay! I love it when we can cheer people up.
Blank’s JOB is to mess with people though – not just people involved with villainous activities, I mean, he bursts into people’s houses regularly without asking and breaks their pots.
I guess, after a while, people would just get used to it and ignore it. Personally, I’d just keep throwing random stuff at him until I run out of stuff to throw at him. XD
Well, I was wondering how he got past the rabid ice monsters in that extremely difficult dungeon before. Suddenly, extreme case of surprise foreshadowing.
(If villains and heroes didn’t look so similar nowadays, then I’d have just written it off as him looking ‘spiky enough’ to not be a hero, but he doesn’t have armor spikes, so he looks like a standard hero)
Out of curiosity, what does a sibinest earn?
Yes, Derk could well have been a hero, but he chose to do Skärva’s bidding instead of the gods’. Well, both of those masters tend to be a bit distant and frustrating and confusing and angry, but only one of them is human (mostly) and bleeds and needs someone to put a cast on when a furious vertically challenged wizard breaks their arm.
A sibinest on average earns slightly more than a dolobt machinist, but less than a regular machinist.
Pearl of Wisdom:Man who wants pretty nurse must be patient.
Man who run in front of car get tired, man who run behind car get exhausted.
wait first of all firetrucking awesome an I thought derk was just a very very VERY hairy armed lackey.Two so
Thirdly wat is UP with Blank and jumping *dah dun tah*
Well, now you know that he is a very very VERY hairy-armed (and hairy-chested, and hairy-backed, and hairy-legged) magic-user.
Davis is definitely dark/fire, and Lurkins are also dark by default.
Please don’t be offended when I say…
‘WHAT THE HELL….!!!!???’
Why would I be offended? This is exactly the kind of reaction we wanted. >:D
He’s been magical all along, silly!
O_O I totally had NO idea WHATSOEVER!!!!
Man, you guys are good…. -.-
This captcha is saying, Psideop
Haha, that’s funny.
I know I’ve already commented on this page, but….
Woo! Derk!!!
I love twists like this. GO DERK, defend your boss! I love his attitude here, just kinda fatalistic with a hint of regret and no indication of backing down.
Oh, YES.
I was kinda expecting Derk just to get walked on, so this is a nice surprise.