The truth revealed
on July 22, 2016 at 12:17 amChapter: Chapter Zero
Characters: Blank, Lord Tiberius Skärva the Fourth
Colors tomorrow!
Things have been pretty ugly out in the world lately, but we hope this comic makes you smile. We appreciate you, readers!
Small children! ♥ Look at the little Derklet!
Did his mom make his Havocfest costume?
A Derklet and a Sharkling.
OK I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS WAY TOO MUCH because at first I wanted to say “Of course!” But then I thought, if it was something his mom lovingly made for him, why would he let Blank defile it with his body, not to mention attack him and destroy it?
But then I thought Skarvs is the type of person who’s always looking ahead and he doesn’t put much worth in physical objects once they’ve outlived their usefulness to him. He has other things to remember his mom by, and doesn’t need random crap to do so (although he did at least keep the costume for like 20 years).
So yes, his mom made it, mostly with magic because I don’t think she knew how to sew that well.
This is a much better answer than “Of course!”, thank you for this. ;V;
Oh my gods. He looks so HAPPY in his lil king outfit… I wanna hug ‘im. ;w;
“Oh I just can’t wait to be king!”
Smile I did, I do believe! ^_^
So, the question then is this: Which is more important: the sword or the swordsman? (I’d guess that, barring a particularly large gap between weapons, the swordsman is the likely victor.)
I would agree, but what if it’s a magical sword fueled by the essence of an extremely powerful and vindictive sorcerer? (…I’m talking about Bladud, not sharkbutt.) WHAT THEN? …Then it’s just cheating, I guess.
I’d have to say it’s a moot point because, unless I missed something, Blank still has those things he grabbed before not starting another journey unprepared.
A good point, actually–I’d forgotten about those, I believe!
It likely depends on just how powerful the sword is, how accessible is the power, and how applicable it is to the situation. And even the, below a certain point a sufficiently inept wielder–or a sufficiently skilled opponent–may still result in the power-gap being insufficient.
Honestly, it really doesn’t feel like cheating to me–especially for a final boss!
Heh, colors add a lot! When I saw it without colors, I thought Blank was going to fight in boxers/undershirt.
It is an undershirt but thankfully he kept his pants on. Some swords need to be kept in their sheathes y’know what I’m sayin
This comic rocks. Makes me want flying fish and milkshakes. Keep up the good work!
Glad you like it!
Please do not eat the flish though.
In other news, Sharknado the Fourth comes out today. I keep imagining all the sharks as angry, evil wizards with flutes.
Maybe there’s a Derk in there too. Derknado.
How was it, anyway? Would you believe I haven’t seen any of the Sharknados? But I have seen… Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus…
wow, I didn’t know Blank was the size of a ten year old Skarva. Unless the costume is magically made to fit anyone.
No magic, that’s part of the joke
Skärva is that tall and Blank is that short.
I finally reset my password!
Um… I was going to ask about the size thing, but someone beat me too it, so I’ll just say good job!
I really enjoy how crazy Skärva looks in that last panel. 8D