The last time that you’ll ever see another soul- No, you never get to know…


Do you remember anti-magic? Because souls are made of a densely concentrated essence of magic, prolonged exposure to this material can make people lose their sanity. For those who are extra-sensitive to magic, and thus have souls that communicate more easily and openly with the magical plane, the process can happen extremely quickly. Anti-magic’s use is now illegal, is considered so cruel that not even Skärva would touch it (not least because it’s really bad news for him personally), and existing items and structures built utilizing it were supposed to have been mostly destroyed. But you know… the Royal Family doesn’t really care that much what goes on around the coast.

It’s been a while, but I wanted to give a shout-out to the remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, which came out earlier this year. There are many stories and video games that inspired Heir of Silverskull, but that one is high up there, both through its pirate-specific chapter and the general feel of its hub city of Rogueport. If you’ve never played it, please give it some consideration, as they made a wonderful game better than ever.

….and oh yeah. Me and Victor got married!

Now let’s head into the climax of this story, shall we?