We’re back again, and about time too!
on May 19, 2016 at 5:36 pmCourtney:
Wow, a lot has happened since our last update. Let me give you a little run down….
1- The play! Yes, the play I was directing went off… well, I won’t say without a hitch, but it went pretty well! The performances got lots of laughs, I got some very positive encouragement, and it was overall a great learning experience for me. I’ll be doing another one in the fall, but let’s not think about that yet.
2- Streaming. It’s my excuse to play more video games (because if I’m sharing it with people, I feel less guilty). I also have been streaming art occasionally! Oh, speaking of Smithy, I’m currently playing Super Mario RPG. It’s usually on the weekends, but I’m doing certain weekdays too (like tonight!) Follow me on Twitter or directly on Twitch if you want to know when I’m active.
3- The comic. We’re really close to the end of this arc, thank the gods. Aside from the play’s demands, I think I just needed a little break. But we’re ready to jump back in!
4- I was part of a really great article my friend wrote!! Check it out. It explores the trope that mental illness is beneficial or even necessary for creativity, with the writer and artists concluding: it’s not.
How have YOU been?
…did he just stab the wall? His expression is priceless though.
Sorry I keep missing the streams! At least I have a good excuse this weekend. I swear I’m gonna get better at coming to them though. They’re amazing.
I’m going to be out of town this weekend too, so don’t worry about it! I’m glad you like what you’ve seen so far.
I’ll be back with more SMRPG and a special Fallout event next week…
Oh, cool. You guys are back!
And it feels good!
Welcome back! ^_^
Ouch, that poor blacksmith, seeing his hard work and artistry being so dismissed and disposed of! ^^;
I do like that punchline, even if Derk seems to disapprove.
Regarding the second-to-last panel, I do think that Skärva saw the blacksmith’s point–at the opposite end from the hilt. I do think that I detect a bit of “edge” from the smith, however–if I get the thrust of his tone. But Skärva cuts through his objections, in the end. (I’m playing these puns to the hilt. Really pommel-ing them in.)
I’ll confess that I don’t really watch live-streams, although I do sometimes watch “past broadcasts”. I’ll try to remember to look at yours from time to time!
Congratulations on the play! I’m glad to read that things seem to have gone well! ^_^
The article that you linked to was interesting–thank you for it, and for your thoughts within it.
I do note that all three of those interviewed had a similar set of disorders: depression and anxiety, plus one more for each of two respondents. I wonder how answers might vary with other issues?
Don’t misunderstand me, however: I have no real argument with what I take to be the central premise: that not all creativity requires mental illness. Nor do I have any argument with a creative person choosing to medicate, especially if it works for them (as seems to be the case for the writer and all of the respondents).
As for myself, I posted my first game-dev video recently (don’t worry, I don’t intend to spam your comments section with it! ^^; ), and hope to have another one ready soon. It’s… not great, I feel, but I’m trying to learn. I only have a handful of views (twenty-one at last check, I think), but given that this is my first video, and that I haven’t spread word very far as of yet (I’m waiting for my next video, at least), I’m actually quite happy with that.
… Wow, I knew that my response was long, but I didn’t appreciate that it was quite so great a wall of text. ^^;
Derk doesn’t disapprove, actually! He’s still mad as a carry-over from the previous panel where Smithy was about to have a go at his Boss. This IS the guy who made the sword responsible for a lot of very intense pain on the part of him and Skärva, so he’s not too keen on him.
The funny part is I don’t actually take medication! Although I have in the past, and would again if I needed it. I just don’t feel like I’m at a point in my life where the problems are bad enough to necessitate it. My point, which kind of got lost in the truncation for the article, is that depression/etc. has shaped who I am, but I wasn’t really able to come into my own as an artist (and friend) until I started overcoming it. There are much longer versions of my answers that I plan to post up somewhere for those interested. I think it’s an important subject, plus I enjoy talking about how mental illness has affected my life in case it helps anyone else who is struggling.
Send me a link! If you post it here, the spam filter may not let it through, but I’ll un-spam it.
A long comment to make up for all the lost time!
“Derk doesn’t disapprove, actually!”
Ah, looking more closely, I think that I missed his expression in the previous panel–I see it now.
Heh, I don’t think that I’d made the connection between Smithy and Derk-and-Skärva’s repeated pain. That’s a fair point! (Well, I take it then that Derk doesn’t find Blank’s “point” fair. :P)
My point …
Ah, fair enough; it’s a pity perhaps that the point was somewhat excised. :/
I’m interested in seeing the longer version of your answers! Perhaps post them with the next page?
I’m glad to read that you’re not currently at a point that calls for medication. ^_^
Send me a link! If you post it here, the spam filter may not let it through, but I’ll un-spam it.
Thank you–I appreciate that! I’ll send you an email shortly after I send this reply, I intend. ^_^
A long comment to make up for all the lost time!
Hah, yes! For one thing, I should perhaps try to do a better job of keeping up via email! ^^;
…And I sent it from the wrong account. Look for an email coming from “thaum (at) thaumaturge-art (dot) com”. If it doesn’t come through, I’ll presumably re-send it from my personal account (the one that you’re familiar with).
Sorry about that! ^^;;
Nah, I got it!
I have a blog which has all of two posts on it. I did intend to write more this year but the play got in the way, and I started streaming as well, but I’ll try to get the answers up there this week and link to them!
Excellent, on both counts. I look forward to seeing the longer answers! ^_^
I feel bad for poor smithy. But is good to see Skärva being a jet again. Maybe if he were patient he could learn the sword in a few years. And how did he just rip that leather? XD
Life I good for me. Schooling, learning better digital paints, working an awesome job and trying to run my websites. Busy busy.
I hope I can catch one of your art streams! Can’t wait to see more SKÄRVA. (The theme of our homework this week is Halloween CAUSE OF RAISINS. And dressing one of my characters as Skärva reminded me to check up on this comic.)
Chynna, dear friend, your typos are a thing of beauty. Never change.
I got a good, embarrassed laugh after rereading my coment.
this is the evilest I’ve seen Skarva act
He doesn’t have Lorelei around to glare at him until he gives in and decides to be marginally nicer.
Dang man, that was probably a good scabbard. Though the fact it ripped that easily might imply it wasn’t good quality.
I can understand how that smith feels. As much as Link will want you to think that stabbing your sword into countless monsters, both flesh and metal, and not clean or sharpen is fine… it really isn’t.
I think Skärva used the sharpness of the sword to assist him in ripping it, I just fail at drawing. Anyway to be fair this guy is a master BLACKSMITH, not a master scabbardsmith. He tried his best.
I’m sure Blank does take good care of his sword between adventures. He has little else to do.
I’m surprised that no one has commented on the DK rap reference in the title yet.
I almost didn’t comment on it either…
but this time, I’m in the mood!